I have been thinking about starting a regular newsletter or a vlog or writing more articles to keep you updated on all things Latchgate.
But there is so much out there already, so why should I?
And we are being bombarded every day with various emails, podcasts, and blogs; from people that we admire, that we look up to and want to keep in touch with.
They are all amazing but I do get the feeling that since we have not been able to go anywhere (in case you are reading this in the distant future – global pandemic going on right now!) everyone has decided to write more, record more and keep telling their audience they are still here.
But there comes a point where you just want to stop. You want to hit the unsubscribe button, but you do not.
Instead you set up an automatic rule in your inbox, to file, all your subscriptions away* into a folder that will probably never get checked.
So why am I writing this today.
Quite simply… Paths.
We all have our own paths to follow.
Some may be simpler or shorter than others. But they are all different and we should not try to copy or stick to a path that does not feel right. You know that feeling in the gut that you know is right deep down?
Don’t compare yourself to your competition or others. You don’t know what’s going on for them or their business. Thanks to social media we get this great picture-perfect image of how it is all going – we do not get to see the chaos in the background.
For example over Lockdown I shared on my Instagram account how my bread baking is improving – I posted a photo of my lovely crusty loaf fresh out of the oven looking amazing; what you did not get to see was the previous attempt where I did not follow the instructions and killed the fresh yeast in rather hot water and then wondered why my loaf looked like a grey solid cow pat.
This post is about putting my hands up; that yes it has been crazy busy and challenging but I am rather proud of all that we have achieved. (In latest news Latchgate has been shortlisted for the VA of the Year 2020 for South East England)
My business is going great. My team is expanding. I have great clients and new clients coming on board.
I have worked hard, building up Latchgate over the last three years, while raising a family too has been challenging. I am proud of what I have achieved and as the team expands it is amazing to be known for providing great OBM and VA services.
The message is simple; Don’t compare yourself to others.
Follow your own path and be proud of what you have achieved along the way.
Don’t hit unsubscribe.
Instead make a coffee (or tea) and spend half an hour each day, reading things that interest you. Because you want to, not because you have to.
Thanks for your support in reading my blog.
*Virtual Assistants can help with sorting your inbox by the way so let me know if you need me to find you an awesome VA.