Planning for Success in Your Business

by Apr 12, 2023Business Owner0 comments

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In the world of business, setting goals has been a game-changer for me. I’m a business owner, a busy mum of 3 children, one with special needs. So I know firsthand the unique challenges we face. That’s why I want to share my journey and some tips on how to set achievable business goals that are tailored to your unique circumstances.


Start with Your Vision and Values

First things first, take a moment to think about where you see your business in the long run and what truly matters to you. Your goals should be in sync with your vision and values because that’s what makes them meaningful.

It’s about ensuring that our goals align with our vision,  embrace our unique strengths and perspectives when we set our goals. Consider how your business goals can fit into your family life and help you maintain a healthy work-life balance. For example I have 3 children and they all have very different needs and I work in order to be able to provide for them but also I love working for myself. 

My clients come from all walks of life and industries and being able to help a wide range of clients is something I love as I can bring my 20+ years of experience and best practice across the industries to my clients.

The Power of 90-Day Cycles

I’ve found that planning in 90-day cycles has been a game-changer for me as a business owner. It breaks down those big, intimidating goals into manageable chunks. Plus, it gives you the flexibility to adjust your plan if needed. Also please remember these are your goals if life happens and you can change them – you can! You are in charge. I have seen many clients worry about changing their strategy or goals because that is what they agreed with their coach and didn’t want to seem like they failed etc. It really does not matter – for my clients of course I will work with you to keep you on track but if your heart’s not in it or something changes you need to adjust your plan. 


SMART Goals – Keep it Simple

Setting SMART goals is a no-brainer. Make sure your goals are:

  • Specific: Clearly state what you want to achieve.
  • Measurable: Use KPIs to track your progress.
  • Achievable: Be ambitious but realistic, considering your resources.
  • Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your vision and values. 
  • Time-bound: Set deadlines to keep yourself accountable, but again make them realistic – if you know you have family time/ holidays booked don’t set your deadline then.

Break it Down, Bit by Bit

Now, let’s talk about breaking down your goals into smaller tasks. Trust me; it’s a game-changer! This approach makes it easier to track your progress and stay motivated, especially when life gets busy.


Lean on Your Support System

Never be afraid to ask for help or support. Connect with people who get your unique challenges and can offer guidance and encouragement. Joining networking groups or finding a mentor in your industry can be a game-changer.

Remember, You’re in Charge

The best part of being a business owner? You’re in control! If your plan needs tweaking or a complete overhaul, that’s okay! You have the power to adapt and change your strategy as needed.

Download The Business Action Planner

To make your journey to success even smoother, I have created a specialised Action Planner designed for business owners like you. You can grab it from Amazon today and kickstart your path to success. It is not dated and has 90-day cycles.

Let’s Chat!

If you want more personalised guidance and support, I’d love to connect with you. My team and I understand the unique challenges you face, and we’re here to help you tailor your business goals to your specific circumstances and aspirations.

Setting achievable business goals is a crucial step toward your success story. Remember that your goals should reflect your unique identity and circumstances. With a 90-day cycle approach and the flexibility to adjust your plans, you’re well on your way to achieving your business dreams.

Take the first step toward your goals by downloading our Action Planner from Amazon today, or reach out for a free friendly consultation chat with me to get personalised support. Your success journey starts with setting the right goals, and together, we can make it happen.



Are you a female business owner who has achieved great success, making six figures or more? Congratulations! Building a thriving business is no small feat and we usually achieve this while balancing all the other commitments at home and family. However, as your business grows, you may find yourself overwhelmed, time-poor, and stuck in the day-to-day operations. It’s time to shift your focus from the weeds and start scaling your business smartly. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of strategy sessions, the dangers of getting stuck in your business, and how working with an Ops expert can ensure your business can scale efficiently and sustainably. 


Strategy Sessions: The Backbone of Smart Scaling

Strategy sessions are crucial for the growth and expansion of any business. These sessions provide you with an opportunity to step back, assess your current position, and chart a clear path forward. Here’s why strategy sessions are important:


  1. Setting Clear Goals: Strategy sessions allow you to define SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals for your business. By setting clear objectives, you’ll have a roadmap to guide your decisions and actions. (More on roadmaps later) 


  1. Aligning Resources: During strategy sessions, you can evaluate your available resources and identify any gaps or areas that need improvement or more time. This alignment ensures that your resources are effectively allocated to support your business goals. I often see people in roles that are not being managed and are wasting time and money for the business owner. 


  1. Identifying Opportunities: Strategy sessions help you identify new opportunities for growth, innovation, and expansion. By exploring different avenues, you can make informed decisions on how to best position your business in the market. Talking this through with someone outside of your organisation is really important and makes the conversation much more impactful and new ideas and thoughts always come up. 


Getting Your Head Out of the Weeds: The Danger of Being Stuck

As a busy business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations. However, continuously working in the weeds can hinder your business’s growth potential. Here’s why you can’t keep getting stuck in your business:


  1. Limited Perspective: Being immersed in the day-to-day tasks restricts your ability to see the bigger picture. It’s essential to gain a broader perspective by stepping back and assessing your business as a whole.


  1. Lack of Innovation: When you’re constantly firefighting and handling operational challenges, there’s little time left for innovation. Scaling your business requires fresh ideas and creative solutions, which can only be fostered by taking a step back from the daily grind. I know first hand how difficult this is and even I spend time out of my business (usually a lovely spa hotel) to think about new ideas and products. My best ideas come when I am not at my desk and usually out walking. 


  1. Missed Opportunities: By being stuck in the weeds, you might miss out on potential growth opportunities. Whether it’s forging strategic partnerships, exploring new markets, or implementing efficient systems, these opportunities can significantly impact your business’s success.


Working with an Ops Expert: Scaling Smartly

To ensure your business can scale smartly, it’s crucial to work with an Operations (Ops) expert. Ops experts specialise in streamlining processes, optimising systems, and restructuring teams to make your business more efficient and sustainable. Here’s how an Ops expert can help:


  1. Accountability Support: An Ops expert provides the much-needed accountability that keeps you on track with your goals. They help you stay focused, prioritise tasks, and ensure that your business is moving in the right direction.


  1. Implementation Support: Scaling your business involves making changes and implementing new strategies. An Ops expert can support you throughout the implementation process, ensuring a smooth transition and minimising disruptions.


  1. Efficiency and Sustainability: Ops experts have the expertise to identify bottlenecks, streamline processes, and optimise your business operations. Their insights and recommendations can significantly improve efficiency, saving you time and resources while ensuring long-term sustainability.


Success is not just about hard work. Scaling your business smartly requires a strategic approach and a willingness to step back from the day-to-day operations. Strategy sessions provide the foundation for growth, allowing you to set clear goals, align resources, and identify opportunities. Avoid the dangers of getting stuck in your business by gaining a broader perspective, fostering innovation, and seizing growth opportunities. Lastly, working with an Ops expert can provide the necessary support and expertise to streamline your operations and ensure your business can scale efficiently and sustainably. Only certain people love the back end of businesses, you need to find your partner to your creative genius mind to make a great team, then you will see your business fly! Remember, smart goals save you time and pave the way for your business’s continued success.